Light A Candle Campaign
Our 'Light A Candle' sponsorship allows you to light a virtual candle for a loved one while providing financial support to individuals who cannot afford their cancer treatments.
The cost is just $10/month and the payment is set up through PayPal* and made automatically each month to EMF. You may also pay $120 for the entire year by filling out our printable sign-up form and sending a check. You can light a candle in memory of a lost loved one, or in honor of a survivor. By lighting candles together, we can remember our loved ones while making an enormous impact in the lives of others. Please join us in shining our love on others and filling their life with hope. Remember, we are fully volunteer-run so over 95% of donations go directly to pay for cancer treatment co-pays. Your donation to EMF is fully tax-deductible. * You will need to have a PayPal account in order to set up automatic payment. Please email us if you have any questions. |
Light A Candle for your lost loved one.
Light A Candle for a cancer survivor. To pay by check for the entire year ($120) please print out form below and send in with check.